Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A sad day needed brightening

This morning I received confirmation that a treasured voice, whom I've only met online, is beyond ill with small cell cancer of the lung, which has spread to an ovary & the brain. While she is receiving treatment (radiation done, chemo ongoing), I honestly do not expect her to heal from this.  She is at home now, surrounded by her partner & companions. She is far too young for this.......

I needed cheering up. So I found this:  it will do  .  Thank you, Martha.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wordless Wednesday ;)

Three long-term projects... ;) 

#3, who knows, as every 2 yr. old does, that the proper way to wear a tiara is as a super-hero mask.

#2, armed with his plastic stretchy lizard,making certain that he gets as much camera time as #2.

#1, who didn't want her photo taken as she hadn't finished brushing her hair (but you can see her in the background with #2).

Yea, yea, yea....wordless Wednesday on Thursday got wordy. Can't help that where my grandchildren are concerned.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Beginning to think it's Autumn :)

We've had a nice, cool, low humidity week, in *August*, & it has me thinking that it just might be cool enough to sit at the sewing machine once again!  Curtains, nightgowns in odd pattern choices, a robe, a few blouses & skirts.....the stray daydreams of possible projects slinking into mind.  Such as these, this is such a cute blouse, a quickie project here, a quick project there, gifts to give (grandson will require one in reds/oranges),  & sparkly trims to buy!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Cat Shot

 This photo is of my youngest cat, Zim.  She is by far the plumpest in the house & is rather peeved that I have started to pick up the food not eaten within half an hour ;)  

  A better view of her white stockings.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Something I'm working on

Stocking face for Grandchild #3.

Almost-wordless Wednesday, a day late ;)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Why is it I can't find football when I want it?

A small cold front is moving through my area, bringing with it drier air at a much more comfortable temperature. This, naturally, brought up thoughts of Autumn ( that blessed reward for surviving another season of evil summer weather). Autumn brings up fairs (didn't find any articles that I liked that weren't two years old) & football (mostly the tight slacks & the occasional shot of fall-coloured skies).  Only...while I was looking for articles on Autumn & football (as opposed to words about training camp), I came across this wonderful, awesome article, shared by the equally wonderful & awesome Kallan.

Any other thoughts I was going to write on(such as returning to school, is university worth it anymore, open courseware, online classes) have been effectively postponed by Grandchild #3 crawling into my lap & falling asleep.  Her dead weight is claiming half of my extremities.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Garnet died this morning...

...around 7.30 a.m. Surrounded by the warm comforting thoughts of so many, it was very peaceful.  Like her half-sister, Jasmine, Garnet was susceptible to the 'cold' virus that affects felines. She just couldn't fight off this last virus, even though, at 11 years, she wasn't *that* old.
     So now Garnet is over the Rainbow Bridge & making friends with Lena, Tegan, Duke, Mica, Cassi, ChinaRose, Dieter, & Jasmine. Mine Host wait for my eventual arrival, all expecting me to bring roast turkey treats...
      Just before she took such a bad turn, Garnet was so much more affectionate than usual.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August is the hardest month

At least, it seems that way to me.  Winter was, at one time, the harshest time to survive. Now, with our advances in heating & food storage it isn't such a dire problem for many of us.  August, with its' heat & high humidity, with its' potential for sever storms, is the worst. So hard to breathe in this humidity!
My littlest cat, Garnet, is having a very difficult time.  She isn't all that old, only 11, but she has a tendency towards colds.  For cats, colds have a tendency to be viral so antibiotics aren't that effective. Poor girl, she has such a severe cold this time.  So hard to breathe & rest in this weather. She is very lethargic & refuses all treats or food, but accepts water. :(
Also, my laptop has fried itself out, so I am borrowing my daughters' on occasion.
It is hard for me to be enthusiastic about sewing in this nasty weather as well.  Very frustrating, but hope to get *something* done this weekend.
This made me happy, though.
And I need one of their catalogues to daydream through.