Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Some stories for mid-week.

Nothing that I have written, Magaly ;), but a few stories for inspiration, perhaps.  Tomtes
are first in the line-up, followed by the Mist Witches.  This one is for Magaly, because she was writing of Tarot......  the tarot of unpopular futures.


  1. Hello Tilly, thank you for your interest in my book. May i please have your email to send you a copy of the book? Thanks
    (ps. My email is

  2. Hi, you asked if my little dog made it to shore, he did but it was so hard to get him to listen, he really wanted to get at the otters and I think they meant to drown him, they have been known to do this.Thankyou so much for visiting today, I hope the sun shines for you!
