Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What's on my mind

1)  language

2) blues & violets

3) The low pressure system moving in combined with grandchildrens' first colds of the season.....ugh!

4) The humidity is still at late summer levels & it's already 4 September.  This summer has been the most horrendous & I want it gone! A strong nor'easter blowing through would exorcise the stench of this summer quite nicely.


  1. oh no!Hope the air clears for you soon, lets pray to the wild wind gods to blow that humidity away,

  2. We live in a very dry zone, so not much humidity, but I'm done with the heat!

    I'm also fighting off a bug at the moment and super-dosing on vitamin C.

    Hope everyone feels better and gets some cooler weather soon!

  3. Sending cooler weather your way! :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving some sweet comments -- so very much appreciated.

    Sunny greetings from Munich,

  4. Language is ever present in my mind. No grandkids' thoughts yet ;-)

    P.S. I'm not sure why I missed a bunch of your posts. I won't trust the reader. Bad, bad Google reader *shakes fist*
