Thursday, January 24, 2013

Taking a break

This weeks' accomplishment:
Finished up a little bear & added a bit of detail to the bed/sheet they're all sitting on. They won't pop until the backstitching is added.  However, as I'm moving in a month or so, & I need to pack the vast majority of stuffs up, this will be on hiatus until after the dust is settled.  I won't be completely project-less. I will be leaving out one shawl that needs finishing & an older cross-stitich WIP.

As I'm packing, I've come across my little obsession. I was going to make this into curtains, but......
'Bell knobs & broomsticks', Alexander Henry designs, 1998.
Every time I can get money, Jo-Ann Fabrics, & this cotton print together at the same time, I pick up some more yardage. I have somewhere around 8 yds. now.


  1. oooh, I love this!!!!!

  2. The wee bear looks super sweet. And the pattern for the curtains look hot, hot, hot and witchy ;-)

  3. Well now, I'm remembering some WIP embroidery still in the hoop, packed away, and needs to go on my FinishAlong List. Thanks for the reminder. Yours is very nice and will be a real treasure when finished. Also, do love me some Alexander Henry Fabrics...I've got several pieces I'm hoarding. I hope you can find more...although 8 yards outta make lots of curtains. What a fun AH print. Goot luck with your move.
