Monday, December 26, 2011

Magaly has a readers' challenge going on!

Witchy Books Reading Challenge 2012

Welcome to Pagan Culture’s first witchy reading challenge. I want this bit of bookish yumminess to be magical, diverse and fun, so joining the party is really easy:
* Add the challenge button to your sidebar, or place it wherever you keep your blog buttons. I keep my mine at Magaly’s Blog Circle.
* Write a post letting everybody know about the challenge.
* Leave a comment on this post; include the direct link to your announcement.
* At the bottom of your post, add the name of every witchy book you read in 2012, from January 13th to December 13th. You can do this as you go.  
* Reviews are optional, but I would LOVE to read your bookish thoughts.
Witchy Reading Levels:
Elemental Reader 4 books
Bookish Darling 13 books
Lunar Booklover 28 books 
Witchy Bibliophile 35+ books
* You can join the fun at any time.
* Create your list in advance, as you go, or whenever you like.
* All formats are fine; all genres are great...
* Fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels, manga, comic books…
* I’m an Eclectic Witch, so of course I welcome books from other challenges.
* Don’t have a blog? Create a list on Goodreads, Facebook… 
* Wondering what’s a Witchy Book? Well, anything with witches in it, my Wicked Luvs! 

          Now, some are adding books as they read.  For myself, I prefer to plan ahead! So here is my list:
                     Blood Wyne, Yasmine Galenorn
                     Shaded Vision, Yasmine Galenorn
                     Courting Darkness, Yasmine Galenorn
                     The Secrets of Dr. Taverner, Dion Fortune
                     Grimms' Fairy Tales (the original, not the moronic revisions)
                     The Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook, Denise Alvarado
                     Gottin Holle (german edition), GardenStone
                     Der Nerthus-Anspruch, GardenStone
                     Low Magic, Lon Milo Duquette

      I have a few more in mind, but I'm not certain if I will be able to get them.  GardenStones' books will be completed by the end-ish of the year as these will be my first serious forays into reading German.

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