Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year, New You response to Goals


     My years' goal is to, physically, move my household.  Since it is still very early days if 2012, & highly improbable for a February deadline, I'm not going to say anymore at this point. 

     Larger goals relating to The One:
                                                        Get my health needs seen to & resolved, as best they can be.
                                                        Get my companion animals health needs seen to (one cat in particular)

                                                        Get wardrobe updated while downsizing fluff-&-nonsense.

     Larger goals which may not be related to T.O.:
                                                         Return to an exercise routine

                                                         Further hone divination skills

                                                         Learn to read, if not basic writing skills in, German

                                                         Work on personal magical practices
                                                          Learn & practice the difference between paranoid  secrecy
                                                                    & judicious sharing in context

     Mini-goals, end-date second week of February:

                                                        This is the week where everything gets cleaned & suitable arranged
                                                                  for New Years, so it nicely dovetails into downsizing.

                                                         Begin modified exercise program

                                                         Complete medical appts. (One tomorrow relating to learning dis-
                                                                   abilities & S.S., another 3 Feb. relating to degenerative joint
                                                                   disease/R.A., & need to get a tooth pulled...aiming for Jan.

                                                          Join in on Magalys' book challenge...hey...the challenge has the word
                                                                    'Witchy' in its' title (babysteps ;)

                                                          Set up a dedicated (in the fuller sense of the word) prosperity

                                                            Return to working on this:
                                                            Set up a divination journal...thinking that loose leaf would be best.

                                                            Continue to work on meditation skills.  Visualization is a joy, but
                                                                    stilling mind & body is a killer.  Since candle Work is one of
                                                                    my Joys, will need to distill a way to incorporate Salamander.

    This blog post was brought to you by multiple interruptions from a sicky almost 2 year old grandchild & the barking of an irritated elder dog, cranky because young dog was running up & down the stairs....
     Will also have to figure out a way to correctly set up my template as what blogger decided to publish is *not* how I have it typed.  My head hurts.



  1. Great goal breakdown! I'm honoured that you would share this with us, thank you.

  2. If you need help with your German, shoot me an e-mail! ^^
