Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Worse than 'goals' are 'specifics'

*sign* The prompt for this weeks New Year New You is stating *publicly* goals, including concrete steps to take to accomplish same...mundane & magical. This is unbelievably difficult for me. I have no problem with coming up with goals, or for knowing i need to go from here to there, but the middle part fuddles me no end.  Currently, getting ready for grandchild Yuletide is far too distracting.  So I will be playing catch-up Saturday night.  See you then!

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh yes, the public part will be challenging for you. But you Charmers are nothing if not badass, we had a person with OCD/Hoarding issues working on the first prompt, I know you'll figure out how you want to approach this one.

    Sark's books are really good about breaking things up into teeny tiny pieces *and* she writes in crayon which makes it pretty fun.

