"Traditional Witchcraft for the Seashore" is the second book that I read in this series of four, written by Melusine Draco. In the front, Draco lists the classical music pieces which inspired the chapter names. This volume isn't as heavily underlined as the first, primarily because I live enough inland that this isn't as pertinent for me. However, this may change in the future, so this volume also has a permanent place on my bookshelf. Plus, a dedicated playlist on my YouTube channel.
Quote #1: "Remember that retrieval could be extremely dangerous, so ensure that your reasons for casting the charm in the first place have sufficient justification, or there could be serious repercussions, & you'll only have yourself to blame." (Page 9, paragraph 3)
This references having to retrieve, & destroy, a charm rejected by the sea. I greatly appreciate that Draco makes clear that the sea has a potential to be dangerous, & that one should remember this when working sea-magic. No rose-coloured glassed here.
Quote #2: "It all depends on the shade of blue. For example, a very dark blue sky against which the clouds are sharply defined is a forerunner of stormy weather, but a soft, light ble means settled weather." (Page 13, paragraph 2)
Again, a very practical book. If a person is going to be engaged with the Sea, they need to be fully aware of all of its' colours.
Visual: "...the discovery of hagstones. Those found on the beaches are created naturally by the elements, or by a small, burrowing creature that works its way into the stone. Small stones are pocket-sized, while others can be the size of small rocks. Some are formed by the wear & friction of other rocks, the sea & weather, while in others a rock-boring creature called a piddock initiates the process." (Page 44, paragraph 4)
I love hagstones. I lost the one that suddenly appeared in my household to inattention, & I have been regretting it ever since. Also, I love the sound of the word 'piddock'. Although the image of a Common Piddock is kind of eewwww. Perhaps because I am not used to sea creatures as much as I could be.
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